This morning started with another great breakfast and then we departed for a tour of Heraklion. We had the opportunity to see some of their beautiful churches on Orthodox Easter. One was built in 1700 and the other built from 1862-1895. We gathered in one of the town square areas and had a wonderful service. As we celebrated Orthodox Easter, we read Titus 1:1-5; Acts 2:5-13; Acts 27:5-16; Hebrews 13:20-21; Luke 24:6-7 ,and Mark 16:5-7. Doctor Phyllis then led us in worship and shared her remarks. She spoke about moments in time and closed with a powerful greatest moment of all times with the letters from Resurrection:
Ridiculed and taunted, nailed to a cross
Each of his followers and his Mother mourning their loss
Sent down from on high, placed in a cave
Unmovable stone in front of his grave
Roman soldiers guarded the fervent room,
Rejecting anyone from entering the tomb.
Entrance sealed so no one could steal
Christ’s body which had such great appeal
Then on the third day, Mary could not believe.
Inside the cave-no body to grieve.
On Sunday Jesus was seen and the people then said.
Now God had risen his son from the dead!!!
As we sang the final notes in our closing hymn, a beautiful white dove flew in the middle of our gathering and touched down slightly before flying away-that’s a God wink;
We then had a remarkable celebration of one of our fellow guests where we shared in cake and song and the restaurant personnel played music and truly celebrated! How wonderful to see the relationships that existed before and thos that are growing-all with God in the center. Moments in time indeed.
My quote for the day from Phyllis? She is never going to let her PHD make her forget her God!
This evening our excursion took nous to Santorini for a wonderful ride up the cable car (Not scary at all) and a little shopping! We have laughed and shared so many memories on this cruise. We met some amazing people, and as Phyllis reminded us, shared in some special moments in time.